These Dreams

by Heart

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 7:14 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author

Bernie Taupin & M. Page

Tabbed by

All Instruments Transcribed By: Ashley Dalby


1st → Vocals: Nancy
2nd → Guitar: Nancy
3rd → Vocals: Ann
4th → Drums: Denny
5th → Bass: Mark
6th → Strings: Howard
7th → Piano: Howard
8th → Synth: Holly

File Size

55 KB




Spare a lit tle can dle save some light for me Fig ures up a head mov ing in the trees White skin in lin en per fume on my wrist And the full moon that hangs ov _ _ _ er these dreams in the mist _ _ _ Darkn ess on the edge shad ows where I stand I search for the time on a watch with no hands I want to see you clear ly come clos er than this But all I re mem _ _ _ _ ber are the dreams in the mist _ _ _ These dreams go on when I close my eyes _ _ _ _ Eve ry se cond of the night I live a no ther life _ These dreams that sleep when it's cold out side _ _ _ _ Eve ry mo ment I'm a wake the fur ther I'm a way _ Is it cloak and dag ger? Could it be spring or fall? I walk with out a cut through a stained glass wall Weak er in my eye sight can dle in my grip And words that have no form _ _ _ _ _ are fall ing from my lips _ _ _ These There's some thing out there I can't re sist I need _ to hide a way, from the pain _ _ There's some thing out there I can't _ re sist The sweet est song is si lence that I've ev er heard Fun ny how your feet in dreams nev er touch the earth In a world full of Prin ces free dom is a kiss But the Prince hides his face _ _ _ _ _ from dreams in the mist _ _ _ _ These dreams go on when I close my eyes _ _ _ _ Eve ry se cond of the night I live a no ther life _ These dreams that sleep when it's cold out side _ _ _ _ Eve ry mo ment I'm a wake the fur ther I'm a way _ These dreams go on when I close my eyes _ _ _ _ Eve ry se cond of the night I live a no ther life _ These dreams that sleep when it's cold out side _ _ _ _ Eve ry mo ment I'm a wake the fur ther I'm a way _


It is imperative to follow the 5.2 notices located throughout. The song is 99% accurate and only some tempo shifts might need tinkering. It is also imperative to keep the Master Reverb that you see to your right where it is, as this makes it sound best.This was checked for accuracy by playing along with the real track song. I hope it helps!